Prevention Tips

Dental Appointments

It is recommended that your child see the dentist every six months. Some children may require more than 2 trips a year. If there is a high chance of getting a cavity or they are in braces your dentist may request that you come in every 3 months. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends that you bring your child in for a dental examination by the age of 1. Children with a “dental home,” a dental office that they visit at least twice a year, are more likely to receive preventive care that can help keep them cavity free.


Fluoride is found in most cities’ water supplies, certain treated infant foods, and specifically marked toothpastes. Fluoride is an important element in the prevention of cavities. When used properly, fluoride can help keep both you and your children’s teeth healthy. Like most things however, too much fluoride can be a bad thing. Be careful with fluoridated toothpastes. If your child is still swallowing the toothpaste a fluoride-free toothpaste may be a better choice for your child. For children who do not spit but have a higher chance of getting a cavity, a “smaller than a pea-sized amount” will be all they need, so that swallowing it will not be harmful. Too much fluoride can disrupt the proper formation of the permanent teeth, and can also make your child very sick if they swallow too much of it.


Sealants help keep children from getting cavities in the back teeth on the chewing surfaces. As back teeth form they fuse together in the middle, which is where we do most of our chewing. Sometimes these grooves do not fully fuse. Bacteria can easily get in these grooves and cause cavities. Sealants seal these grooves to make it harder for a cavity to form, and release fluoride as they seal.


Diet is a great way to keep not only your mouth, but your entire body healthy. Foods that are rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables are all great ways to stay healthy. Too many juices and sugary treats can cause tooth decay and other health problems like diabetes. Studies show that inflammation is a large contributor to cancer. Fruits and vegetables help keep the inflammation in your body lower, and floss helps keep the inflammation in your mouth in check.


Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in certain gums and foods. Xylitol has been shown to help kill bacteria in the mouth. Recent studies have shown that mothers who use xylitol gum after their children are born until the age of two can reduce their children’s’ cavities by up to 70%!

Expecting Mothers

Expecting mothers need to be mindful of their oral hygiene as well. Soon-to-be mothers that have gum disease can increase the chance of premature births or low weight babies. As an expecting mom, you should visit your dentist regularly, brush and floss properly with a fluoridated toothpaste, eat healthily, and chew xylitol gum.


Trauma can happen at any time, but sports certainly increase the chance. Mouthguards are an important way to allow children to be involved in the sports they want to play and also lower the chance of having a dental accident. They provide cushion to the teeth, lips, tongue, and jaw from jarring events, and are also important in keeping braces from puncturing the soft tissues of the mouth.

What is a cavity? 

A healthy tooth is a hard tooth. A cavity is a soft part that has formed in a tooth. Bacteria have remained stuck to the outer part, the enamel, for an extended period of time and have been releasing acids. These acids remove important minerals in the tooth that help keep it healthy and resistant to the environment. A cavity spreads from the hard part of the tooth into the softer, yellow part of the tooth. Here, the bacteria can spread much more quickly and eventually can reach the nerve of the tooth. Once the bacteria have reached the nerve an infection can occur which results in a toothache, swelling or both.

Pulp treatment

Pulp Treatment is performed on teeth that have bacteria close or in to the nerve. These procedures remove the infected nerve of the tooth and usually allow the patient to keep the tooth. There are multiple procedures that can be done to treat the nerve and a lot of it depends on whether the tooth is a primary tooth or permanent tooth.