
Our office is designed to treat children and their parents of all ages. We take most insurances including Medicaid. We offer cleanings, education, fillings, crowns, extractions, space maintenance, periodontal treatment, night guards, sealants, and more.


The maintenance and the health of the primary teeth is very important. Poor oral hygiene can lead to cavities, which left untreated, can cause problems that affect developing permanent teeth.

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Eruption Of Your Child's Teeth

Children’s teeth begin forming before birth. A mother’s diet while she is pregnant is important. Baby teeth can start erupting as early as 4 months. The lower front teeth are usually first, followed closely by the upper front teeth.

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Dental Radiographs

Radiographs are an important part of you or your child’s dental appointment. Without them, certain dental conditions will go undiagnosed. Radiographs detect cavities, but they are also needed to assess…

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Toothbuddies and Baddies

Click on the Headings Below to Discover Friends and Foes of Healthy Teeth


The frontline defense against sugar bugs. Think of it as a sugar bug slicing samurai sword. Keep this tool nearby and never go to sleep without using it.

Toothbrush’s sidekick. This fits between all the nooks and crannies that sugar bugs try to hide. Leave no gum unturned.

The extra ingredient in toothpaste that helps harden teeth and make those sugar bugs work harder to get in.

The nice lady that helps clean the spots that you have accidentally missed and shows you how to better your brushing and flossing.

That’s me! The guy who checks to see if you are doing a good job at home. The guy who likes to say “Wow, I have never seen a cleaner mouth! See you in six months!”


The yellowish crud that sticks to your teeth like glue. This will start a cavity. If you do not brush this off every day it will begin to break down your tooth and change it from pearly white, to yellow, orange or even black.

This tastes good going in, but sugar feeds all the potential sugar bugs in your mouth. Eating a lot of sugar without a good oral hygiene routine, brushing morning and night and flossing every night, will create a great environment for a thriving sugar bug metropolis.

Bleeding gums. This can cause pain while brushing. Many people see this and think they are brushing too hard, but really they have not been brushing good enough or in the right places.

Also known as calculus. Most people know calculus as a hard math, but it is also a hard sugar bug. This is plaque that has stayed on your tooth in the same place for so long that it has hardened on your tooth. They do not make a toothbrush hard enough to remove this stuff. Metal instruments used by a trained hygienist are the only way to solve this equation.

Also known as gum disease. Sugar bugs are not the only complication from not having good oral hygiene. Some people can have no cavities, but have lost the bone that holds their teeth in. If this bone is lost, then the teeth may eventually be lost as well. This is a true disease that is harder to treat than sugar bugs, and there is no cure, only prevention and maintenance.

The stuff that is in way too many foods and drinks. Acid works to soften your teeth. It does not cause sugar bugs, but it makes it easier for sugar bugs to burrow into your teeth, easier to wear your teeth down, and makes your teeth more sensitive to anything that you put in your mouth.

The main reason we are all here. They are the taker of teeth, the sultan of sugar, and the hole in your tooth’s soul. Use the Toothbuddies to keep them away. That is why we are here. We are glad you are here as well, and we look forward to thwarting their nefarious plans together.

Click Here for Tooth Decay Prevention Tips